Shared Library Services Partnership (SLSP)
The Shared Library Services Partnership (SLSP) provides Ontario public health units without an in-house library with access to up-to-date information and scientific resources. The SLSP is designed to support and strengthen relationships and promote knowledge exchange among public health units. Four existing health unit libraries (“hub health units”) currently provide services to health units without in-house libraries (“client health units”).
To learn more about this initiative, visit the SLSP official website.
The partnership relies on supports and resources from across Ontario’s public health library system, including PHO Library Services and the Ontario Public Health Libraries Association (OPHLA).
Services Offered
Each hub health unit has a designated librarian who provides the following core services:
- article retrieval/document delivery
- literature searches
- answering reference questions (e.g., citations or copyright)
- help desk questions (e.g., technical issues: login issues, difficulty opening articles)
- book loans
- training for client health units (on-site training and webinars)
- reference materials (e.g., copyright fact sheets, resources handouts, instructions on use of information tools)
Evaluation of SLSP
SLSP has been successful in developing and operating an innovative and cost-effective partnership to deliver a wide range of library services across Ontario’s public health system.
Finding your Library Hub
If you work at any health unit listed below, you can use the services of the designated library hub. If your health unit is not listed, continue to use your in-house library service.
Designated Library | Eligible Public Health Units |
Middlesex-London Health Unit |
Kingston, Frontenac and Lennox & Addington Public Health |
Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit |
Thunder Bay District Health Unit |
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