Tobacco and E-Cigarettes
Tobacco use is the greatest cause of preventable disease and premature death in Ontario. Smoking causes lung and other cancers, respiratory illness, cardiovascular disease and stroke. There are many tobacco-related products such as cigarettes, cigars, hookah, waterpipes and chewing tobacco. Nicotine is the addictive chemical in tobacco. E-cigarettes do not contain tobacco, but can deliver nicotine. Policies and interventions can help to reduce e-cigarette use as well as tobacco use and related illnesses. These include: industry regulations, youth prevention, protection against second-hand smoke and cessation programs.
Ontario Tobacco Monitoring Report 2018
The Ontario Tobacco Monitoring Report 2018 summarizes tobacco use for Ontario, including e-cigarette use, and provides an overview of comprehensive tobacco control in Ontario for 2017-18.
Health Promotion: Celebrating our Roots and Looking to the Future
This brand new course aims to provide health promoters and other health professionals with a common understanding of the history and development of health promotion, an overview of theories and concepts integral to health promotion, and examples of how health promotion is practiced today.
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